Pray Mass Better- 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Hello From Abroad - Fr. Jacob Lindle
New Office Hours at St. Patrick
Platitude, Attitude, Gratitude- Memorial of St. Francis Xavier Cabrini
ASK FATHER SHAWN - Whose relic is by the ambo?
Homily #423 - Giving God the Best
You are NOT Strong Enough- 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Loving God and Neighbor- 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Homily #422 - To Love God
Homily #421 - Very Real Victory
Roadmap to Conversion- 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Homily #420 - Don't Miss Him
Mass of Remembrance
All Saints Day Mass Schedule
“Follow Me”- 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Homily #419 - From Conflict to Unity
Major multi-purpose event for St. Pat's!
Reigniting the Flame of Faith- Memorial of St. Teresa of Avila
Homily #418 - Going All In